Biocatalysis vs. Chemical Synthesis: A comparative analysis of costs, speed and sustainability

In the pursuit of greener, more efficient manufacturing processes, the chemical industry is increasingly turning to biocatalysis as an alternative to traditional chemical synthesis.

This shift is driven by the need for more sustainable production methods that also reduce costs and enhance production speed.

Biocatalysis involves the use of natural catalysts, such as enzymes, to perform chemical reactions. It's favored for its specificity, efficiency and mild reaction conditions.

In contrast, traditional chemical synthesis relies on non-biological catalysts and often requires harsher conditions and potentially toxic solvents, raising environmental and safety concerns.

Platforms like ZYMSCAN, an AI-driven online platform developed by Zymvol, are pivotal in this transition, offering instant, free enzyme identification to streamline the integration of biocatalysis.

This article provides a detailed comparative analysis of biocatalysis and traditional chemical synthesis, examining their respective costs, speed and sustainability.

Cost Implications

Biocatalysis can be more cost-effective than chemical synthesis due to several factors:

  1. Reduced energy consumption: Enzymatic reactions generally occur at ambient temperatures and pressures, significantly reducing the energy costs associated with heating and pressurizing in traditional chemical processes.

  2. Lower raw material costs: Enzymes can selectively react with cheaper substrates to produce high-value products, potentially lowering raw material costs.

  3. Decreased need for purification: The high specificity of enzymes minimizes the production of unwanted byproducts, reducing the need for complex purification processes.

However, the initial cost of developing or purchasing specific enzymes can be high, and the need for enzyme stabilization or immobilization technology can add to the overall expenses.

Speed of production

Biocatalysis can also accelerate production processes:

  1. Faster reaction times: Many enzymatic reactions proceed rapidly, reducing the time required to achieve the desired conversion.

  2. Instant enzyme selection: Tools like ZYMSCAN, powered by Zymvol, provide immediate access to enzyme data, facilitating quick decisions about which biocatalyst to use for a specific reaction.

Traditional chemical synthesis might involve slower reaction rates and longer times to optimize conditions, though it is sometimes preferred for large-scale productions where established processes exist.

Sustainability considerations

Sustainability is perhaps where biocatalysis most significantly outshines traditional methods:

  1. Reduced environmental impact: Biocatalysis uses less hazardous solvents and produces fewer byproducts, reducing toxic waste and environmental pollution.

  2. Resource efficiency: The ability of enzymes to work under mild conditions leads to less energy consumption and a smaller carbon footprint.

  3. Renewability: Enzymes are renewable resources, typically derived from biological organisms, supporting a circular economy.

In contrast, chemical synthesis often involves non-renewable resources, such as petroleum-based feedstocks, and can generate substantial waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

Limitations and challenges

Despite its benefits, biocatalysis is not without limitations:

  1. Enzyme stability and cost: The sensitivity of enzymes to environmental conditions and the cost associated with their production or modification can be prohibitive.

  2. Scalability: Scaling biocatalytic processes can be challenging due to the complex nature of biological systems and variability in batch reactions.

Chemical synthesis, while less environmentally friendly, often offers greater robustness and scalability, making it suitable for high-volume production needs.

The role of technology in bridging gaps

Innovations such as ZYMSCAN are critical in addressing the challenges associated with biocatalysis. By providing rapid, accurate enzyme identification, ZYMSCAN, powered by Zymvol, enhances the feasibility of implementing biocatalysis in industrial applications.

This tool allows for the quick screening of enzymes, reducing both the time and cost of development phases and enabling more companies to adopt biocatalytic methods.


While traditional chemical synthesis has been the backbone of industrial manufacturing for decades, the rising demand for sustainable and cost-effective production methods is shifting the focus towards biocatalysis.

With the help of advanced tools like ZYMSCAN, the chemical industry can overcome some of the traditional barriers associated with biocatalysis, making it a more viable and attractive option.

As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that biocatalysis will play an increasingly prominent role in chemical manufacturing, offering a greener, more efficient alternative to conventional methods.


Cutting-edge biocatalysis for faster drug development


The power of AI to find the right enzymes for your industrial processes